TC Custom's Rollers
Tc Spearguns are custom made to perfection.
100% hand built using top of the line Teak Wood.
Designs are made either Open Track or Enclosed Track.
Hand carved both the open track and enclosed track are made with epoxy finish. Each gun is unique, offering different colors and designs on the epoxy to customize and make each piece a one of a kind TC Speargun.
63"/ - $820-$950
60"/ - $800-$900
55"/ - $780-$880
50"/ - $740-$840
45"/ - $720-$820
38"/ - $700-$800
36"/- $650-$750
Double Roller Pricing
Standard Equipment
-Teak stock
-Glass filled custom epoxy enclosed track
-Multiple coats of Oil Finish
-Reverse Trigger Mech
- Single 2 16mm bands
-Double 4 16mm bands
-9/32 or 5/16 shaft
-double wrap
63"/ - $950-$1000
60"/ - $850-$950
55"/ - $830-$930
50"/ - $790-$890
45"/ - $770-$870
38"/ - $750-$850
36"/- $700-$800
Single Roller Pricing
Custom styles
Mid handle / rear Handle Plus extra $80
Epoxy squiggly lines $50
All TC custom SpearGuns are covered under Warranty and will be fixed and or replaced, all defects resulting from manufacturer's error under normal use conditions. Not Covered under warranty Bands, shafts, shooting line, and other consumable products. The Warranty does not apply to damage caused by abnormal or unreasonable use, normal wear, or modifications performed by anyone other than TC Spearguns. Manufacturers Defects, anything in terms of the actual peace of wood the stoke of the gun. If your product is not in good working order due to a manufacturer's defect, TC Spearmen will repair and or replace the product free of charge at their option.